Spring is in the air!
Pollen, achoo. Grass cutting, achoo! Spring flowers, achoo! Cottonwoods, ACHOO! *Gesundheit
Often neglected, air conditioners and heat pumps need servicing just as any other home appliance does. But they sit outside and often times out of site, and we forget. They are often times hidden by new growth of grass, shrubs and flowering bushes. There is a certain amount of air that your outdoor condenser requires in order to function efficiently, so clear away the over growth, and call us for a service call.
It’s a good time of year to check your furnace filter after a long winter. If you have allergies, you may also consider an air purifier to help clean the air in your home. Ask us for more information on the Carrier Air Purifier.
But with all the dust, dirt, pollen and debris in the air, its time to call us for a service, and if its like the woolly mammoth in this photo- its time to shed its winter coat!
Call 604-540-6151 extension 1 or fill out our online request form.

Before and After Air Conditioner Service